Hiring a minister has been the top priority for a number of people at the church.  Thanks to the hiring committee who have given up many afternoons and evenings to meet, pray, and interview.

Matt McGonnell has been recommended as the new Pastoral Care minister at Cornwall church.  We are trying to balance the desire to move quickly with the desire to make sure that regular members of the church feel included in the process, and know what is going on.

Please join us on Wednesday, May 8 at 7:00pm at the church for prayer, fellowship, and a time to ask questions about the hiring process, and the future of Cornwall church.

The current plan is that we will hear from the congregation until May 12.  If no actionable objections are brought forward, we would send Matt a letter of offer on Monday, May 13, with an expected start date of June 3.  Please remember that these are just current plans, and that specific actions and dates are subject to change.

Other stuff is going on in the community as well.

The last day for youth group is May 13.

The KT Norris Lectures are going on this week.  There are morning and evening sessions at Sherwood Church all week.  Full schedule is here.

There is an Island Youth Rally on June 7th-8th.  For more information, contact Megan

See you at church!



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Latest Sermon: Jesus is the Way, Truth and Life November 17, 2013

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