Matt McGonnell is our pastoral care and preaching minister. He has lived in PEI his whole life and loves this amazing province and the people who live here. As a kid he always believed there was a God, but found church to be irrelevant, that it didn’t connect with real life. But when he began reading the Bible on his own and he met the Jesus that showed up in it, his life was changed and he’s never looked back.
Matt decided to head to Maritime Christian College and developed a passion to teach and bring the Word of God to people so that they also can understand it. He loves it when the light bulb turns on and they discover the God who loved them so much that he sent his own Son to come and take care of their sin problem. The local church is the hands and feet of Jesus in the world, and helping it learn to love and serve the people in the community is what excites him.
He loves music, singing and playing it, looks forward to the Montreal Canadiens winning their 25th Stanley Cup, and enjoys watching weird TV shows and movies about Bigfoot, superheroes and anything that begins with “Star.”
Matt met a pretty girl and married up when Francine decided to endure him and they have been blessed with three incredible grown up kids, Danielle, Hannah and Simon, and two very spoiled dogs, Krypto and Chewie.
One of his favorite Bible verses comes from the apostle Paul: “The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love.” (Galatians 5:6b)
Email: matt.mcgonnell@cornwallchristian.church
David Marshall, our Director of Worship, is originally from Digby, Nova Scotia. He moved to PEI in 2001 to pursue his Bachelor of Arts Degree at Maritime Christian College. David grew up in a Christian family, and the church has always played an important role in his life. He spent most of his younger years singing and playing instruments in the local church, which helped him develop a deep love for the local church and the ministry of worship. Music has always been a significant part of his life, and he cherishes the opportunity to play and sing his heart out for God.
When David leads the congregation in worship, he fully immerses himself in the act of worship. This helps people sense God’s presence and encourages them to join in the worship. The experience of having a genuine connection with God and other people is truly amazing. David’s goal is to bring people closer to Christ through the worship services at Cornwall Christian, and he hopes to help them develop a more authentic and intimate relationship with their creator.
David lives in Cornwall with his wife Anna, three sons, Cooper, Hudson, and Oliver, and their beloved mini poodle, Millie.
One of David’s favourite passages from the Bible is Psalm 91:14-16, The Lord says, “I will rescue those who love me. I will protect those who trust in my name. When they call on me, I will answer; I will be with them in trouble. I will rescue and honour them. I will reward them with a long life and give them my salvation.”
E-mail: worship@cornwallchristian.church

Our Children’s Minister and Office Administrator is Megan Davies. She graduated from Maritime Christian College with a Bachelor of Arts in Bible in 2016. She has been actively working with youth and children since 2012 while leading a youth ministry at Central Christian Church and as staff at Canoe Cove Christian Camp. She has been serving with Cornwall since 2013 in various roles.
Megan’s passion is to teach children about the love that Christ has for them, and to show them what a relationship with Jesus looks like. She believes that leading by example is key in a child’s life; monkey see, monkey do. If children are to live a life dedicated to living out God’s will then they need to see lives dedicated to living out God’s will. It is her desire that the children of Cornwall Christian Church will grow up surrounded by people that love and care for them, and will come alongside them as they seek to find their identities in Christ so that one day, they will become the leaders and servants of the church, impacting more lives for Christ then we ever could have imagined!
One of Megan’s favourite bible verses is 1 John 4:10, “This is real love—not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as a sacrifice to take away our sins.”
E-mail: megan.davies@cornwallchristian.church